July 26, 2024

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Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP

Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP
(payout rate per day; Investment amount - 31$...50$)
Payout rate per day, % Minimal lifetime, daysMaximal lifetime, daysAverage lifetime, daysQuantity of the HYIPsMinimal payout ratio, %Maximal payout ratio, %Average payout ratio, %Probability of obtaining of the profit, %
Unknown 1 1822 120 237 0 2300 119 37
<1.7 1 752 158 83 0 420 63 19
1-3 4 1057 93 198 0 772 81 25
3-5 1 538 69 87 0 1166 100 29
5-10 1 338 45 72 0 492 76 23
10-20 1 295 57 42 0 1290 187 52
20-30 1 283 43 62 0 1095 122 35
30-50 1 100 23 28 0 372 98 35
50-100 4 115 32 17 30 912 349 82
101-140 1 502 29 342 0 504 71 21
141-180 1 4 2 5 0 220 93 40
181-200 3 3 3 1 190 190 190 100
201-250 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0
All 1 1822 73 1176 0 2300 96 28

Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP
(year of the beginning of work of the HYIP; Investment amount - 31$...50$)
Year Minimal lifetime, daysMaximal lifetime, daysAverage lifetime, daysQuantity of the HYIPsMinimal payout ratio, %Maximal payout ratio, %Average payout ratio, %Probability of obtaining of the profit, %
2003 1088 1088 1088 1 2300 2300 2300 100
2005 5 177 54 11 54 315 147 63
2006 1 948 55 42 0 780 180 57
2007 4 1057 143 15 13 1095 334 80
2008 1 828 111 145 0 1166 138 46
2009 1 351 51 145 0 1290 119 35
2013 271 271 271 1 68 68 68 0
2014 1 1822 74 118 0 496 69 19
2015 1 752 46 185 0 742 71 18
2016 1 560 61 205 0 736 80 28
2017 1 1363 42 139 0 504 61 15
2018 5 500 82 24 2 252 65 20
2019 7 580 87 50 3 244 66 20
2020 1 535 139 47 0 772 83 23
2021 2 647 189 24 0 306 82 29
2022 1 282 115 17 0 310 108 41
2023 8 141 68 6 0 137 53 33
All 1 1822 73 1176 0 2300 96 28

Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP
(month of the beginning of work of the HYIP; Investment amount - 31$...50$)
Month Minimal lifetime, daysMaximal lifetime, daysAverage lifetime, daysQuantity of the HYIPsMinimal payout ratio, %Maximal payout ratio, %Average payout ratio, %Probability of obtaining of the profit, %
01 1 471 60 94 0 912 81 25
02 1 453 52 130 0 772 85 25
03 1 1363 64 132 0 736 89 25
04 1 1057 91 112 0 504 84 31
05 3 647 60 76 1 1290 129 31
06 1 437 75 68 0 628 97 29
07 1 752 91 74 0 709 110 37
08 1 1822 95 107 0 1166 85 26
09 1 743 64 101 0 742 82 21
10 1 1088 79 111 0 2300 123 31
11 1 948 76 95 0 600 101 32
12 1 648 71 76 0 590 101 35
All 1 1822 73 1176 0 2300 96 28

Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP
(type of the script; Investment amount - 31$...50$)
Script Minimal lifetime, daysMaximal lifetime, daysAverage lifetime, daysQuantity of the HYIPsMinimal payout ratio, %Maximal payout ratio, %Average payout ratio, %Probability of obtaining of the profit, %
Unknown 1 1088 92 320 0 2300 132 36
GoldCoders 1 1822 65 799 0 1290 85 26
H-Scripts 6 752 83 41 0 216 55 17
PAM HYIP/AJ Square 23 52 37 2 39 39 39 0
SurfScriptPro 19 116 67 4 8 200 86 25
Shiny HYIP Script 18 21 19 2 102 128 115 100
ARM HYIP 18 18 18 1 2 2 2 0
HyipOpen 8 14 11 2 1 2 1 0
WorldWebMaker 1 9 5 2 0 2 1 0
KIR HYIP 29 29 29 1 30 30 30 0
EC HYIP 14 29 21 2 14 40 27 0
All 1 1822 73 1176 0 2300 96 28

Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP
(site languages; Investment amount - 31$...50$)
EnglishRussianOthers Minimal lifetime, daysMaximal lifetime, daysAverage lifetime, daysQuantity of the HYIPsMinimal payout ratio, %Maximal payout ratio, %Average payout ratio, %Probability of obtaining of the profit, %
YesNoNo 1 1363 67 673 0 772 76 23
YesYesNo 2 1822 72 78 0 370 51 11
NoYesNo 4 648 100 13 1 217 51 23
YesYesYes 1 553 165 17 0 736 134 35

   DISCLAIMER: We do not promote any programs. The information is based on personal experience and statistics, we do not guarantee its accuracy. All HYIPs investments presuppose high risks. Past Performance of any of programs is no guarantee for the same or similar future performance. Do not spend what you cannot afford to lose.

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